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5th Grade Art Assignment







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"haiku" poetry

Remember, that a haiku poem is written on three lines and have a specific number of syllables on each line:

1. 5 syllables

2. 7 syllables

3. 5 syllables


Take a photo of an object you have in your home - it can be a random object or something that means a lot to you. This is the part of the assignment where you can be creative - take it from a different angle, make it look more "artsy."

In your photos app, you can edit your photo any way you'd like (enhance, add a filter, turn it black and white), as long as I can still tell what it is. this is another opportunity for creative expression.

Watch this video for a quick tutorial on how to edit your photos!

Make sure you EXPAND the video
to see it better!


On a piece of paper or on your iPad (Goodnotes, Notes, Pages), create a haiku poem about that object. Remember to follow the 5, 7, 5 rule as shown above.

Go back to your photos app and click edit, then markup. You have the ability to add text and edit it (font, color, size). Type in your haiku on top of your artistic photography. Change the size and font to make it fit your piece of artwork.


Next, upload your work to ARTSONIA! 


Use the APP not Google Classroom (it's easier).


Email Mrs. Schmid

Scan QR code on the Artsonia app
Click the icon above to email me!
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